Ars Andizetum

Ars Andizetum oprimjeruje važnost ekonomskih istraživanja industrije u nastajanju te načine na koji se kreativni proizvodi sektorski diverzificiraju. Koristeći se interdisciplinarnim metodama, djelo daje definiciju i okvir kreativne industrije te prezentira kreativne eksperimente autora publikacije.

Promišlja se značenje kreativne industrije kao generatora razvoja ekonomije i društva u cjelini te se promiče djelovanje njezinih dionika. Pritom je Ars Andizetum djelo koje čitanje pretvara u multimedijski doživljaj te je istodobno još jedan u nizu inovativnih projekata Instituta Andizet.

Preuzmi publikaciju

Ars Andizetum exemplifies the importance of economic research in an emerging industry and the ways in which creative products diversify across sectors. Using interdisciplinary methods, the work provides a definition and framework of the creative industry and presents the creative experiments of the authors of the publication.

The significance of the creative industry as a generator of the development of the economy and society as a whole is considered, and the actions of its stakeholders are promised. At the same time, Ars Andizetum is a work that turns reading into a multimedia experience and is at the same time another in a series of innovative projects of the Andizet Institute.

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